
Having an allergy is a common occurrence among people these days. This contributed by the fact of a more polluted environment which triggers allergic reaction. When this happens, your immune system reacts to the substance that known as an allergen. It invokes certain consequences which can develop rapidly. In most cases, your body’s reaction can be gradual and predictable with minor signs occurring before a full blown allergic condition develops. Among the common types of allergens include pollen, dust mites, food, insect stings and certain types of medicines.


Preventing allergy reaction can be quite tricky because most allergens cannot be seen with the naked eyes which means that it can be difficult to avoid. Dust mites in particular are almost impossible to spot even if your house is clean, they can still breed easily. As such, you should consider using wood or hard vinyl floor instead of using carpets and roller blinds instead of textile curtains. Soft toys and certain types of upholstery can be the breeding space for dust mites as well.


Your doctor will have to take several tests to determine what type of allergy you are having. If you are allergy to certain foods like seafood, you must take note of the occurrence and triggers before seeing your doctor because your food diary will enable easier diagnosis. Besides that, the doctor might carry out an allergy skin test and blood test to ascertain what type of allergy you have.


Signs and symptoms would vary depend on which type of allergy you have. You might experience swelling around the nose areas which could cause runny nose, sneezing or severe wheezing. In most situations, this can be mistaken for flu or long-term conditions like sinus. Allergic reactions could cause redness to the eyes. The conjunctiva of the eyes can itch and becomes watery while coughing and rashes are common symptoms too. In some severe cases, allergic reactions if not treated could lead to asthma attacks which could become a long-term condition. Apart from that, you could experience nausea, vomiting and even diarrhea if the condition is not treated as soon as possible.

Source: – Allergy